Message from Vicki – September 2020
To our awesome clients –
In this crazy time of social and physical distancing, we are all adjusting to the loss of being together in ordinary ways. The best part of my job is connecting – really connecting – with my clients as your financial advisor. So it’s challenging for me not to be seeing you in person regularly as we used to do.
This September, we will be doing our regular client check-ins by video conference, rather than in my office. I haven’t used videoconferencing much prior to COVID, but I have found it really useful in making meaningful connections with clients, family, and friends.
I want to let you know that I’m making plans to provide more ways to connect. Caleb and I are going to start offering some informal web conferencing sessions, where we can discuss topics that are immediate and critical to your peace of mind.
Topics like:
- Influences (both positive and negative) on your money decisions
- Possible election outcome scenarios in terms of financial planning
- How to manage investments in volatile markets
- What to do with 401k funds if you’ve lost your job due to COVID-19
- Managing student loans – and when it’s critical that we discuss them (hint: before you commit to refinancing your student loans!)
Watch this space for more information about upcoming events. We’re going to be asking for your input on which topics are most important to you right now and what are the best times of day to connect this way.
One more note – in October, I will be available for in-person meetings at my office, with protocols in place to keep us all safe.
Most of all, know that you’re always on my mind. Don’t hesitate to reach out if some burning question is keeping you up at night. We really are here for you.
With you at every stage,

Founder and Senior Financial Advisor